The Wave
The Wave is a simple concept created by Grand Master Hiroo Mochizuki (Yoseikan Budo Founder).
It is an expression of power whereby the body imitates the movement of a whip
- - in all directions -
- - at any distance -
- - in any martial arts style -
There are 10 Different Waves
Front of the Body:
- 1- Front Ascending Wave
- 2- Front Descending Wave
- 3- Front Ascending Oblique Wave (Right, Left)
- 4- Front Descending Oblique Wave (Right, Left)
Side of the Body:
- 5- Side Ascending Wave
- 6- Side Descending Wave
Back of the Body:
- 7- Back Ascending Wave
- 8- Back Descending Wave
- 9- Back Ascending Oblique Wave (Right, Left)
- 10- Back Descending Oblique Wave (Right, Left)
Achieve Maximum Power
Do not rely on 1 or 2 muscle groups, but on AN ENTIRE MUSCULAR CHAIN where power is generated and moved from one segment to another, increasing each time it passes through a new segment until is is released at the other extremity onto the target.
Wave mastery will allow:
- Devastating power with every technique
- Efficient power at short range (one inch punch)
- Penetrating power
(not felt on the surface but in the organs) - Blinding speed
- Minimum energy for maximum effect
- Optimum balance
(between relaxation and contraction) - Power and speed even in old age
In our club the Wave is incorporated into the techniques right from the start, as it is the quickest way to develop power. It also means that the practitioner can spend time refining their Waves as they advance through practice.